ies clara del rey

Next academic year, vocational training will have a goal with one of the most demanded professions in the field of computer science with the specialization course in Artificial Intelligence and Big Data. This promising degree joins another specialization course of present and future for the sector, that of Cybersecurity, announced in 2019 and which began to be implemented in some centers during the last course. If you are thinking of signing up for any of these new degrees, these are their main features and where you can study them.

The professional profile of data scientist practically did not exist not long ago, resorting to self-taught specialization with degrees, postgraduate degrees, MOOCS, certificates and that can now also be achieved with this LOE degree in Artificial Intelligence and Big Data. Announced last summer, it allows to achieve competences in programming and application of intelligent systems to optimize information management.

Upon completion of this 600-hour LOE degree you will have the training to work as an Artificial Intelligence and Big Data developer, expert systems programmer, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data expert or simply data analyst.

development of multiplatform applications at a distance

The Council of Ministers, at the proposal of the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (MEFP), has approved the creation of three specialization courses in Artificial Intelligence and Big Data; Maintenance of Hybrid and Electric Vehicles and Additive Manufacturing.

The specialization course in Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Maintenance, from the professional family of Transport and Vehicle Maintenance and with a duration of 650 hours, establishes the performance of maintenance operations, assembly of elements and assemblies, troubleshooting, repair, verification and adjustment in vehicles with hybrid and electric propulsion systems.

These three new specialization courses respond to one of the strategic lines of the VET Modernization Plan being developed by the MEFP, which establishes, among other objectives, the expansion and modernization of the training offer, adapting it to the most demanded professional profiles.


Know and handle specific applications for the processing, integration, management and analysis of structured and unstructured big data, as well as the principles of operation of Big Data to address business activities related to product development, predictive maintenance, customer experience, anti-fraud and operational efficiency.

Syllabus [ORDER 1830/2020, of August 5, of the Regional Ministry of Education and Youth, establishing the professional training specialization program in Big Data in the Community of Madrid and defining its syllabus]0 kB

online degree in cybersecurity

Mechanics, electricians, salespeople, IT specialists, administrative staff… and now also Big Data specialists. Vocational Training (FP), which has traditionally been characterized by purely practical cycles, takes a leap into the employment of the future and begins to train its students for the new professions of the 21st century through specialized courses in Big Data and Artificial Intelligence.

This was announced by Pedro Sánchez, President of the Government, last July during the presentation of the new Government Plan for Vocational Training, which incorporates new degrees to renew the VET curriculum and adapt to the needs of the market.

In order to find out more about this discipline, we talked to José Antonio Jiménez and Juan Ignacio Benítez, two teachers with an extensive professional career in the world of IT and telecommunications and members of the teaching team of the new Big Data specialization course at IES Clara del Rey, to bring us closer to this discipline.

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