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In case you want to secure a place in the master, we recommend you to make a reservation payment of 300€. In case of not being admitted, the full amount of the reservation will be refunded. You can make the reservation by bank transfer or online payment.

Likewise, the teaching staff of the master’s degree are prestigious professionals, allowing students to learn about real projects and build a bridge between the academic world and the working world.

The internships will have a minimum duration of 80 hours and a maximum of 500 hours without the option of extension. Likewise, they will be tutored by a person in charge of the educational center and by a person in charge of the company where the student will carry out the internship.

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Interfaces, espacios y objetos conectados Este máster tiene como objetivo formar a los diseñadores de interacción, que diseñan y crean productos o servicios digitales, que están destinados a interactuar con sus usuarios. Este diálogo está integrado en las interfaces. Estas interfaces pueden ser tangibles o virtuales. El Diseñador de Interacción explora las posibilidades que ofrece la realidad virtual y aumentada. Sea cual sea la interfaz, el ser humano está en el centro de las prácticas y los proyectos. Aunque los diseñadores gráficos suelen constituir un gran número de estudiantes de esta asignatura, también está relacionada con las profesiones de diseñadores de productos y diseñadores de espacios. El diseño interactivo se aplica igualmente a los objetos y entornos humanos. Los campos de aplicación del diseño interactivo son muy diversos: salud; dependencia y discapacidad; educación y cultura; movilidad; deporte; retos energéticos y desarrollo sostenible; ropa; comercio y otros. Las colaboraciones con grandes empresas y jóvenes start-ups innovadoras, así como la participación en Hackathons y fines de semana de start-ups, tienen el objetivo de integrar a los diseñadores en el ecosistema empresarial, especialmente en el ámbito de la tecnología digital.    El Máster está reconocido como Nivel 7 (equivalente a un Máster) en el Comité Nacional Francés de Certificación Profesional (RNCP), según el decreto ministerial del 20 de enero de 2014, publicado en el Diario Oficial el 30 de enero de 2014.

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What makes us different? The accumulated experience of the three mentors of this master as well as the rest of the professors, with key reference projects and examples that will give you a practical vision and a basis for the future not based on temporary trends.

Learning from industrial engineering and processes such as design thinking, the prototyping phase is key to achieve iterative and rapid versions on which to validate hypotheses. It is the skeleton on which to work.

Without users, there would be no user experience. Without testing with them we cannot know if our solution is correct and they like it. We will see the key points to prepare, execute and draw conclusions with a test.

And now what? With the presentation of the projects we will see final conclusions, points where each student is stronger, points where we can improve, where we can continue learning and how to prepare job interviews to value your knowledge and contributions.

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With our Master in UX/IU, you will be trained in one of the most demanded professions in the market in only 14 weeks with our bootcamp format. From the hand of the best experts: Making Science.

To create relevant relationships, you have to know the brand, the people and the context of their relationship better than anyone else. You will analyze the digital assets of a brand. You are going to make a diagnosis of its current state. You’re going to look for inspiration in its context and others. You are going to extract the keys to the sector. You are going to create the project map, which will allow you to work on the following phases.

You will test, change, improve, refine your final product before presenting it to the customer and your users. You will avoid risks, organize information and navigation by creating prototypes of your digital product.

Build your sales strategy. Develop your value proposition, learn to analyze the competition and discover new opportunities. Build your marketing plan and learn how to measure results. Learn the keys to create an effective e-commerce.

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