Master supply chain management
supply chain and logistics
But what is Supply Chain 4.0 and what can it do for your business? This is precisely what we will discuss in this post. So you won’t have to pretend to know what it is without even being sure what it means.
The term Supply Chain 4.0 is used to describe the use of the Internet of Things, advanced robotics and the application of Big Data analytics in the supply chain. When a company places sensors in its warehouses, creates networks everywhere, automates and analyzes all data to significantly improve its performance and customer satisfaction, already with this we can say that it is digitally transforming the supply chain.
Supply Chain 4.0 is an approach for forward-thinking companies that use new technologies in a cross-functional way to process data and identify trends, potential problems and opportunities in many systems at once. This integrative approach aims to bridge silos between various applications and technologies to gain a broader view of internal and external data.
supply chain management
The objective of the supply chain must be to respond in real time, as quickly as possible, to demand, buying, manufacturing and distributing what is needed at any given moment, thus minimizing inventories.
In the following figure, it can be seen how, based on market forecasts, distribution resource planning (DRP) and a customer delivery plan are established, an aggregate planning and a master plan for the MP factory is elaborated, which, when detailed to the RM, gives us the weekly purchase orders and production orders.
The implementation of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) type systems has not worked too well, because they depended on demand forecasts that were made incorrectly, because they operated in too large planning time intervals (months), because transportation and distribution were not planned, because the warehouses did not have automatic data acquisition technology (bar code scanners and radio frequency to transmit data), or it was not integrated with the ERP itself, or because a local optimum level of operation was sought that did not coincide with the optimum global operation of the supply chain.
supply chain
The objective of this course is to deepen the knowledge of operations management and familiarize the student with the new competitive environment, the current trends in operations management and the technical availabilities available, thus providing a global vision of the supply chain. To this end, the basic concepts of supply chain management are studied and analyzed, supply and inventory management models are examined, the plans and programs necessary to develop production are developed and the changes that would be introduced by applying the Just in time philosophy are shown, concluding with the presentation of the advances and new trends in this field.
The knowledge and attitude competences will be acquired by the students through lectures, the realization by the student of tutored activities in which he/she will need to bring his/her laptop during the classes and practical exercises to be handed in. In the lectures the basic concepts of the subject will be reviewed. Skills will be worked on through individual and team work.
wikipedia supply chain
In Maestro Home Center the flexibility of its line of business goes from the sale of a simple lamp to construction iron. This allows for a wide variety of products at the lowest prices.
In Maestro Home Center and the correct distribution of the warehouses throughout the store allows the customer to have the product you want on hand in sufficient quantities and at the lowest price in the market.
Or are warehouses efficiently distributed throughout its sales space (The stores are at the same time the warehouses). Allowing you to maximize productivity by having the merchandise on hand, ready for sale.