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It is Le Carré pure and hard; similar to THE MAN WHO CAME FROM THE COLD’ all are betrayals, very good, I had to read it almost in one sitting because I knew little; I’ll see if I get the movie.SaludosVICENTE VALDEANDE SÁNZ
The important thing is not the reality but the question of how we manage to adjust it to our interests, because of the need to have demonstrable successes, those responsible are not very scrupulous in adjusting reality to their needs.

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DNA Cuba. 2020. “Régimen impide salida del país a miembro de Convivencia,” ADN Cuba, February 4. Accessed October 15, 2019. https://adncuba.com/noticias-de-cuba/regimen-impide-salida-del-pais-miembro-de-convivencia.
Aznarez, Juan J. 2007. “El Ejército controla la economía de Cuba,” El País, November 2, Accessed September 15, 2019. https://elpais.com/diario/2007/02/11/internacional/1171148413_850215.html.
Bobes Cecilia. 2019. “La nueva Constitución cubana en perspectiva comparada. ¿Qué lecciones podemos extraer de las constituciones del socialismo del siglo XXI”, in Sergio Ángel and Armando Chaguaceda, editors, Cuba Pos-Castro: ¿Espejismo o Realidad? Miradas diversas sobre una sociedad en transición, 23-39. Bogotá: Universidad Sergio Arboleda.
Bohemia. 2019. US salaried agent unmasked on Cuban tv, 27 November. Accessed October 13, 2019. http://bohemia.cu/mundo/2019/11/agente-asalariado-de-ee-uu-desenmascarado-en-tv-cubana/.
Castro, Fidel. 1959. Speech delivered by Comandante Fidel Castro Ruz, upon his arrival in Havana, en cuidad libertad, January 8, 1959. Accessed October 13, 2019. http://www.cuba.cu/gobierno/discursos/1959/esp/f080159e.html.

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