Descargar podcast nadie sabe nada

nadie sabe nada podcast

Andreu Buenafuente and Berto Romero sit face to face, mic to mic, and improvise. What can go wrong? The humor of these two geniuses is gold for your ears. Open them wide because, deep down, nobody knows anything… Live on Cadena Ser on Saturdays at 12:00 and at any time if you subscribe.

Can you imagine finding a moose in heat inside a gym locker room? Can you imagine crossing the Moroccan desert in a Seat Panda? Can you imagine your arms shrinking? Can you imagine receiving a package with feces in it? All these imaginable things are discussed in ‘Nadie Sabe Nada’ and Andreu Buenafuente and Berto Romero make your imagination fly.

la vida moderna podcast

Andreu Buenafuente and Berto Romero sit face to face, mic to mic, and improvise. What can go wrong? The humor of these two geniuses is gold for your ears. Open them wide because, deep down, nobody knows anything… Live on Cadena Ser on Saturdays at 12:00 and at any time if you subscribe.

a nightly tribute to human stupidity in all its facets. black humor program in which we review the history of the great stupidities that man has committed from UFO rapists to social networks for dogs. Author: Que Se Vayan Todos/

All the humor always available. The most hooligans, scoundrels and irreverent contents of SER with the best comedians: David Broncano, Silvia Abril, Berto Romero, Juan Carlos Ortega, Quequé, Henar Álvarez, Manuel Burque, Valeria Ros or Buenafuente.

cadena ser parrilla programacion

Conducido por Ellie Taylor y Anna Whitehouse, en este podcast se discute TODO, desde las citas, el sexo, los asuntos familiares, los desastres de la moda hasta esas pequeñas cosas que notas y necesitas decirle a alguien. Ya sea que estés viajando al trabajo, enfrentándote a una pila hercúlea de “tareas de adulto”, o simplemente tratando de escuchar el sonido de tu colega/novio/esposo/niños, ¡Ellie y Anna te cubren la espalda!

Hola, chicas, ¡hemos sacado algunos libros! El libro de Ellie ‘Mi hijo y otros errores: Cómo arruinar tu vida de la mejor manera posible’ sale el 22 de julio y el libro de Anna ‘Underbelly’ sale el 5 de agosto. No dejes de leerlos o, si nos echas de menos, puedes descargarte el audiolibro.

nobody knows anything wikipedia

Andreu Buenafuente and Berto Romero sit face to face, mic to mic, and improvise. What can go wrong? The humor of these two geniuses is gold for your ears. Open them wide because, deep down, nobody knows anything… Live on Cadena Ser on Saturdays at 12:00 and at any time if you subscribe.

Can you imagine finding a moose in heat inside a gym locker room? Can you imagine crossing the Moroccan desert in a Seat Panda? Can you imagine your arms shrinking? Can you imagine receiving a package with feces in it? All these imaginable things are discussed in ‘Nadie Sabe Nada’ and Andreu Buenafuente and Berto Romero make your imagination fly.

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