correo uclm

La Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha lidera la actividad docente e investigadora en Albacete, Ciudad Real, Cuenca y Toledo. Con una amplia oferta de … Resumen rápido Estado en líneaDirección IP del servidor resuelta: SíCódigo de respuesta http: 200Tiempo de respuesta: 1,61 seg.Última comprobación: 10/06/2021 El volumen de tráfico de es de 6.364 visitantes únicos diarios y sus 17.311 páginas vistas. La tasa de valor web de es de 299.942 USD.
Cada visitante realiza alrededor de 2,91 páginas vistas de media.Según las estimaciones de tráfico de Alexa, se sitúa en la posición 7.137 en todo el mundo, mientras que la mayor cantidad de sus visitantes proviene de España, donde ocupa el puesto 2.177.Perfecto para que su centro de datos (proporcionado por la empresa Entidad Publica Empresarial esté situado en España, ya que eso permite a la mayoría de los visitantes reducir el tiempo de carga de la página.
McAfee evalúa a por un conjunto significativo de amenazas de seguridad. Se revelan los peligros más destacados, desde las molestas ventanas emergentes hasta los troyanos ocultos, que pueden robar su identidad. McAfee no analiza en busca de contenido maduro o inapropiado, sólo se evalúan los controles de seguridad.

rapi uclm

The mere introduction of ICT in the educational context does not guarantee educational success. In this paper we detail an experience that was carried out in different groups of students in the 2nd year of the Primary Education Teaching Degree in the same subject taught by different teachers in Spanish and English. The aim of our research was to verify, by means of a rigorous inferential statistical analysis, whether the null hypothesis of equality of sample means of grades as a measure of academic performance can be rejected. To this end, two work methodologies were compared, a more traditional one based exclusively on the tools provided by the UCLM virtual campus and another one that makes use of this virtual campus together with other Web 2.0 ICT tools. These tools allowed us to partially replace the teacher’s lectures with classroom presentations or videos of the students themselves, thus showing a higher interest and motivation along with a greater burden of dedication and effort. The results of our research should encourage teachers to use and include, within the virtualization of their courses in virtual campuses, diverse and varied ICT tools that allow a change towards more collaborative and participatory work methodologies with greater commitment and involvement of students.

cau uclm

In the virtualization process, the Moodle course is created and the students are enrolled and the teachers are included. The participants associated to the activity group (enrollment group) that the teacher is virtualizing are enrolled.
Any user of the service can report incidents or specific requests related to the service through the User Service Center or by calling 926295377 (Remote Service Center).

uclm virtual secretary

This Friday, April 23, will be available the Virtual Campus, the institutional mail, the Teams platform, the Office 365 package and other support services for teaching at the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM), which is still working to recover normality after the cyberattack suffered on Sunday.
It is also expected that in the coming hours the validation system will be recovered, which will enable the return of services that have been little affected. The validation procedure has been improved to prevent it from being disabled in the event of another attack.
As far as the information is concerned, and as advanced this Wednesday, it will be recovered in its entirety, even that which has been affected by the attack, because the safeguarding systems with which the University works have worked perfectly.

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