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ASSESSMENT OF DISABILITY IN CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS ASSESSMENT OF DISABILITY IN CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS INTRODUCTION The Royal Decree 1971/1999, of December 23, 1999, on the procedure for the assessment of disability in children and adolescents, establishes the following
I. General Provisions DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, UNIVERSITY, CULTURE AND SPORT ORDER of October 9, 2013, of the Regional Minister of Education, University, Culture and Sport, which regulates the
1 INTERCULTURAL EDUCATION INFORMATION FOR FAMILIES Educational System. Functioning of the centers: enrollment, services, councils… Family-School Relations. CEIP PUNTA LARGA CEIP PUNTA LARGA
PUPILS WITH INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY IDENTIFICATION OF PUPILS WITH INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY (ID): The ID, which affects an important sector of the population, about one percent, constitutes an important problem for the education system.
Asunción Lledó Carreres (Bases Pedagógicas gicas de la educación n Especial) OBJECTIVES To know the evolution of the schooling of students with educational needs.

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I. General Provisions DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, UNIVERSITY, CULTURE AND SPORT ORDER of October 9, 2013, of the Regional Minister of Education, University, Culture and Sport, by which the following regulations are established
CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE LOE TO THE CHILDHOOD EDUCATION STAGE Members of the group: Andrés Pastor Juan García David Sánchez Ismael Albalá CONTENTS PAGES Introduction.3 and 4 Educational needs in society
1 INTERCULTURAL EDUCATION INFORMATION FOR FAMILIES Educational System. Functioning of the centers: registration, services, councils… Family-School Relations. CEIP PUNTA LARGA CEIP PUNTA LARGA
Information and communication technologies in educational centers of the Community of Madrid that school students with special educational needs Felipe Retortillo Franco Head of Section

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Topic 3 – The process of identification and assessment of the special educational needs of students and their relationship with the curriculum. Schooling decisions. The evaluation of the educational process and promotion criteria for these students.
Topic 4 – The regular center and the response to the special needs of the students. The Educational Project and the Curricular Project in relation to these students. The curricular adaptations.
Topic 7 – The material and personal resources for the attention of the students with special educational needs. School resources. Resources outside the school. Collaboration between specific services and ordinary services.
Topic 8 – The special education teacher. Functions. Modalities of intervention. Relationship of the special education teacher with the rest of the teachers of the center and with the external support services to the school.
Topic 9 – The participation of the family in the education of students with special educational needs. Participation channels. The role of parents in decision-making regarding the schooling process of these students.

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