Master marketing digital sevilla

digital marketing esic

IV edition of #MasterSmmUs. Taught at the Tourism and Finance of the University of Seville. We will meet on Wednesdays and some Thursdays from 16.30 to 20.30, from January 25 to April 27, 2017.
We will contact you in case you have any questions. If you decide to pre-enroll in the course we will schedule an interview with the Master’s Direction. If you are selected you will be able to access the online registration process and formalize your participation in the master.
Much more than community management, the training offered by the Diploma of Expert Community Manager: Networks, Communities and Social Media Marketing of the University of Seville has helped me to immerse myself in the digital environment: marketing 2.0, strategy, analytics, SEO, SEM … even some programming!
And, above all, the necessary basis to be versatile enough in a medium that changes every day. Professionalism and involvement in an attractive dynamic and in continuous revision thanks to the feedback between students and teachers.

digital marketing master

IV edition of #MasterSmmUs. Taught at the Faculty of Communication of the Univ. of Seville. We will meet on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 16.00 to 21.00, from November 22 to June 30, 2017.
You will work with a company in the development of its online marketing plan; you will learn how to project your professional image in social networks and develop technical skills and abilities in relation to:
The practical nature of the course: you will have 115 hours of practical workshops in which you will learn how to create your blog with wordpress, how to make web analytics reports or set up an eCommerce platform.
We will contact you if you have any questions. If you decide to pre-enroll in the course we will schedule an interview with the Master’s Management. If you are selected you will be able to access the online registration process and formalize your participation in the master.
The course has a price of 4.191€ (fees included) and the payment can be made in full before starting or you can choose to pay in installments, paying 50% of the cost before the start of the course and the rest in the month of December.

uned digital marketing

A comprehensive program that covers all disciplines of business and digital marketing with two objectives: that the student does not become demotivated and that he/she becomes a leader who knows how to create, manage or direct successful digital companies.
The MBA in Digital Business and Digital Marketing is aimed at anyone interested in the world of digital marketing, business management and entrepreneurship. No previous knowledge or qualifications are required for the completion and proper monitoring of this MBA.

mba sevilla

En muchos sectores, el marketing digital ha dejado de ser un mero escaparate del marketing tradicional y se ha convertido en parte de la dirección estratégica, especialmente para las empresas que operan a nivel mundial en casi todos los sectores de la economía. A medida que aumenta la diversidad de los medios digitales, existe una necesidad contemporánea en los mandos intermedios y superiores de expertos que dominen las dos disciplinas individuales y, al mismo tiempo, aporten cualidades de gestión y liderazgo.
¿Cómo desarrollar una estrategia de marketing online que funcione tanto a nivel internacional como en múltiples canales y medios? Los cursos del Máster en Marketing Digital “Digital Storytelling” y “Desarrollo de la estrategia digital” le proporcionarán las respuestas a estas preguntas. Aquí aprenderás las diferentes técnicas y herramientas del marketing online. Entre ellas se encuentran la narración de historias, la optimización de sitios web, el marketing de motores de búsqueda, la optimización de la conversión y la analítica de marketing.
Si eliges las asignaturas interdisciplinares optativas en el segundo y tercer semestre, podrás personalizar tu carrera y ampliar tus conocimientos de gestión. Las Electivas Interdisciplinarias suelen incluir asignaturas como:

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