Master in big data online

EOI is a very good school, which has a much cheaper program than IE. If you want to learn, and aspire to move up in your own company, or get a better position in another company, EOI will help you do that.
EOI is a very good school, which has a much cheaper program than IE. If you want to learn, and aspire to move up in your own company, or get a better position in another company, EOI will help you do it.
Optionally, participants can complement their training with the life and academic experience of the international intensive period. It takes place in an international partner institution of EOI Escuela de Organización Industrial.
EOI+ is a set of activities throughout the Master’s program that will take your training beyond technical knowledge. EOI is committed to training the best professionals in a comprehensive manner, with the skills and values of our time.     EOI Venture Launchpad: you will have the opportunity to develop a complete entrepreneurship program that will allow you to launch a new project at the end of the Master. EOI Digit-all We live in a digital world that is changing society and the way companies develop their activities. Through the EOI Digit-all program you will delve into the basic fundamentals of the digital environment in which organizations live and that any professional should know.      EOI EOI is a school with values. The EOI community collaborates with different social initiatives. The aim is that we can give back to society part of what we receive. Through EOI, students voluntarily select a social initiative in which they can collaborate as a group.

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Iebs master big data

Throughout the course you will attend sessions of conceptual content, whose mission is to show big data from a strategic approach, as well as the changes and opportunities that will provide its adoption in business functions. You will have the opportunity to analyze the main current use cases, such as advanced customer and citizen analytics, risk and fraud analysis or smart grids and smart cities.
The Executive Program in Big Data & Business Analytics is aimed at commercial, marketing and financial managers, IT and operations managers or consulting managers who wish to apply these new techniques in their professional field.

Uned data science

Ramón Alberca, CEO of Deimos Estadística participates today as a speaker in the Executive Program in Big Data & Business Analytics (Granada), Master of the School of Industrial Organization (EOI) with his lecture “Big Data Analysis for election predictions”.
The Master will study the work done by Deimos, as a way of predicting polls. Baptized as the Deimos Method, it served as a method for estimating the electoral pulse in the 2015 General Elections and the Andalusia Day Survey #28F.

Business analytics master

Big Data and Data Science professionals are the most demanded digital profiles in the labor market today. However, they are also the most difficult for companies to find. To respond to this demand, graduates can choose to take a master’s degree that gives them the knowledge that will allow them to face business data analysis problems, and respond to the needs associated with the processing of massive data in the cloud.
Specifically, its Master in Business Intelligence and Big Data has the mission to respond to this challenge of qualified training in different areas of the company. With this program, students learn the elements of business measurement, technology and data analytics, and acquire the necessary skills in the areas of data science, business analytics and big data management.
The Master is taught online, starts on April 24 and has a duration of 650 hours. It has some face-to-face sessions in Madrid, which include workshops, company visits, conferences and project work. During the technical visits to different companies and facilities, students will learn about the most relevant technologies and projects related to training in the field.