Personal swot questionnaire

In today’s ever-changing job market, you not only need to know what’s new in your industry, but also be on the lookout for new opportunities in other areas. If you want to improve your job, it is advisable that you know yourself to know how to give the best of you. To do this, one of the best tools is a personal SWOT analysis.
The SWOT analysis comes from the world of business strategy and aims to know the weaknesses, threats, strengths and opportunities of a business or sector, but it can also be applied to the personal sphere.
As its name suggests, you can take the SWOT analysis to the personal level and, specifically, to your characteristics as a worker. The ultimate goal is to correct your shortcomings and enhance your skills to improve yourself in the professional field and achieve your work goals or bring to fruition a particular project.
Try to find what you lack (it can be an attitude, a skill, a knowledge…), what you don’t like or what you are not good at, in order to try to improve it. You should ask yourself questions such as the following:

Amenazas y oportunidades

En los 10 capítulos anteriores de la serie Iceberg he trabajado con el diagnóstico de nuestra marca personal: identidad percibida, identidad propia, identidad digital por nombre en buscadores, en redes sociales y por palabras clave.
También he tratado con Elena Arnaiz la “D” de “Debilidades” de DAFO, la “F” de Fortalezas con Xavi Roca. Y hoy empiezo con el exterior del DAFO tratando la “A” de Amenazas con mi compañera y admirada Arancha Ruiz, talentista, una de las pioneras en la gestión de la marca personal y autora de los libros “El mapa de tu talento”, “Lo que busca el Headhunter” y “Ahora o nunca”. Una mujer que ha sabido lidiar con las amenazas y las ha convertido en oportunidades.
Si te preguntas por qué he elegido esa imagen tan llamativa, en el reino animal y vegetal, los colores llamativos suelen aparecer en las especies venenosas, por lo que en realidad están avisando de su potencial peligro, el depredador los reconoce y así evita ser cazado.
Hace unos días, con mis compañeros de TEDxEixample, tuvimos la oportunidad de ayudar a preparar una charla TEDx online Juanma Freire titulada “¿Podemos evolucionar del Homo Sapiens al Homo Cooperador?”. Entre las amenazas detectadas por este físico nuclear y especialista en Innovación Abierta, me llamó la atención una referida a los profesionales dedicados a la traducción.

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Ejemplos de dafo personal 2021

SWOT (Strengths – Weaknesses – Opportunities – Threats) analysis is a strategic analysis tool. It combines the study of the strengths (or “strengths”) and weaknesses (or “weaknesses”) of, for example, an organization, a territory or a sector with the study of the opportunities and threats of its environment, in order to define a development strategy.
Its objective is to include these internal and external factors in the strategic plan, maximizing the potential of strengths and opportunities and minimizing the effects of weaknesses and threats.
This analysis makes it possible to identify the strategic lines that can be developed. Although it is initially intended for planning purposes, in evaluation it also serves to verify that the strategy established offers a satisfactory response to the situation described in the analysis. In this sense, it can be used in evaluation: