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Brands usually see television as the perfect place to advertise their products. Specifically in the summer, certain “seasonal” companies also use it as the main medium to reach their target, such as soft drinks, beer, ice cream, travel…
This is the case of the ambitious and applauded Estrella Damm ad directed by Alberto Rodríguez (‘La isla mínima’, ‘Grupo 7′) and starring Jean Reno and Laia Costa, whose full version reaches 16 minutes.
In addition, it is worth mentioning others such as Aquarius’ ‘Vivos Vivientes’, La Casera’s song (which repeats after its success in 2015) and Benicio del Toro’s for Heineken, which have also received many compliments.
The video has been highly commented, as usual with him, but also criticized for recklessly crossing a street in the center of Madrid for following the target of the game. With no zebra crossing and cars passing by, the young man threw himself at the bulbasaur.

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Introduction… 2 Development. 3 Conclusion 7 Bibliography… 8 1 INTRODUCTION Today, social networks have become an important phenomenon. In this way, they bring about changes in the world of business.
The influence of social networks on brands today. Abstract: At present, there are many brands that adhere to the use of social networks, as they have great benefits.
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De mayor, youtuber: Descubre los secretos del éxito de YouTube (Spanish Edition) Pablo Moreno Acevedo De mayor, youtuber: Descubre los secretos del éxito de YouTube (Spanish Edition) Pablo Moreno Acevedo
YOUTUBE BEATS TELEVISION (Survey among youtubers) YouTube displaces Television. A 36 4% of young youtubers have definitely abandoned the traditional screen and only watch videos.

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But Youtube is also a capricious platform that puts its “stars” at the absolute mercy of user behavior and forces them to constantly produce new content. Getting off the hamster wheel has a price: losing reach, losing followers, ergo losing economic value, ergo losing contracts.
And it doesn’t matter how many subscribers -that is, loyal followers with an explicit willingness to watch him- a Youtuber has (as we said, El Rubius has 31 million): if he stops uploading videos with a high frequency his content becomes less visible even for them. This is something that the world’s most followed Youtuber PewDiePie knows perfectly well: he confessed to his 64 million followers in a video that he was afraid to take a break. Doing so could mean losing the empire he himself had built up in a very short time.
There are at least forty other famous YouTubers who have spoken of the same situation. Or who denounce the cost of “retiring”. Ninja, the most famous streamer in the world on Twitch, a platform equivalent to YouTube focused on live broadcasting, told in June how much it had cost him to go to Los Angeles for a weekend and stop broadcasting: 40,000 subscribers, who pay $2.5 a month on Twitch. 86,400 euros per month lost for two days without broadcasting his usual content.

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¿Cuánto vale El Rubius? – ¿Te preguntas cuánto dinero tiene El Rubius? ¿O tal vez sólo tienes curiosidad por saber la edad, las medidas corporales, la altura, el peso, el color de pelo, el color de ojos, la talla de sujetador y cintura, la biografía, el wiki, la riqueza y el salario de El Rubius?
Rubén Doblas Gundersen , más conocido como “El Rubius” o “Rubius” (Mijas, 13 de febrero de 1990), es un videoproductor de la plataforma YouTube de origen español. Actualmente, es el youtuber más seguido en su país, el segundo en español y el tercero más popular en YouTube a nivel global. [Nota 1] La temática principal de sus vídeos son los videojuegos comentados, tratados en clave de humor.

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