Pans menu

There are restrictions on the maximum number of people who can visit our Mall simultaneously. In order to have a safe and comfortable visit, before visiting us, you can check the information available on the home page of our website about the capacity status of our Shopping Mall.
There are restrictions on the maximum number of people who can visit our Mall simultaneously. In order to have a safe and comfortable visit, before visiting us, you can check the information available on the home page of our website about the capacity status of our parking lot.

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It is the most emblematic brand of the Eat Out Group. It opened its first establishment in Barcelona in 1991, turning the traditional sandwich into a worthy competitor of the most consumed products in modern fast food.
They are looking for franchisees with or without experience in catering, “but with commitment, capable of getting involved in the business and with an entrepreneurial spirit because, in addition to investment capacity, enthusiasm and the ability to overcome challenges as part of a great team are very important”.
The brand offers associates a global advisory model that covers all areas of the business, including finance, real estate and employee training and management. In addition, the chain works with a logistics and wholesale operator that facilitates restaurant management.
To conclude, the brand emphasizes that it is committed to “improving the customer experience at all levels: we have incorporated a separate area called Café Pans, where people can enjoy at any time the best coffee and homemade pastries made every day in the restaurant, and a section of sliced pizzas, in addition to the sandwiches that make up the main offer of our brand. In short, we have adapted our establishments and gastronomic offer to larger time slots and different consumption moments (breakfasts, snacks, etc.). And the results are really positive, with sales growth of 30%, well above the trend in the sector”.

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Gluten-free pans and company

Eat Out Travel, the en route catering division of the Eat Out Group to which Pans & Company belongs, has won two of the tenders called by Aena for the operation of six outlets at Málaga-Costa del Sol airport, with an award that took place in July and will be valid until 2026.
The reception of the establishments by Eat Out Travel took place last week, and the remodeling projects of the six establishments have started. It is expected that throughout the first quarter of 2019 all six establishments will be fully operational.
Eat Out Travel already had the management of three locations at Malaga airport, so the awarding of three new spaces is a sign of Eat Out’s ability to compete in this channel, with an offer capable of satisfying the gastronomic needs of the thousands of travelers who pass through the different airports it operates every day.
Eat Out Travel is the en route restaurant division of the Eat Out Group, which in turn is part of the Ibersol Group, one of the largest restaurant groups on the Iberian Peninsula with more than 700 restaurants, which manages its own brands such as Pans&Company, Ribs, Santamaría and FrescCo, as well as international licenses such as Burger King, Pizza Hut and KFC.


Se trata de la primera apertura dentro del contrato adjudicado en julio de 2018 en este aeropuerto, por el que el Grupo recibió dos concursos de AENA para gestionar seis puntos de venta hasta 2026. El Grupo cuenta con un total de 16 Café Pans en su canal Travel en España ubicados en los aeropuertos de Barcelona, Madrid, Menorca, Bilbao, Lanzarote, Gran Canaria y ahora en Málaga, así como en varias estaciones de alta velocidad.
Los establecimientos Café Pans son un nuevo concepto de negocio puesto en marcha por Pans & Company, y han tenido una gran acogida entre los consumidores de su canal Travel, donde los viajeros encontrarán la mejor selección de cafés, un amplio surtido de productos de panadería fresca y una selección de snacks.
Con esta incorporación, el Grupo Eat Out cuenta con un total de 16 Café Pans en su canal Travel en España ubicados en los aeropuertos de Barcelona, Madrid, Menorca, Bilbao, Lanzarote, Gran Canaria y ahora en Málaga, así como en varias estaciones de tren de alta velocidad.
A lo largo del primer trimestre de 2019, el Grupo Eat Out abrirá el resto de restaurantes previstos en el aeropuerto de Málaga, donde gestionará importantes marcas como Pans & Company, Café di Fiore, Dehesa Santamaría y EAT.