Levis falsos en el corte ingles


First of all and before going into more technical details it is important that we buy, Levi’s and anything else, calmly and without haste. In addition, and as far as possible, we should try to make purchases in authorized or trusted places and not for example in flea markets, where although we can buy very cheap and making sure that everything is original, it is far from being a reality.

Here we are going to show you some of the details that we can take into account to differentiate if some Levi’s are original or a simple copy. Although in this article we have focused on the 501 model, we can extend these tips to any model of the popular brand of those available on the market today.

The leather patch that all Levi’s jeans have on the back has no spelling mistakes and we can read the message Levi Strauss & CO. In many of the imitations of these jeans we can find misspellings, different messages to the one we can see in an original garment and even in some very bad imitations this leather patch is conspicuous by its absence.

Pantalón vaquero hombre

Los vaqueros Levi’s son una prenda muy codiciada y, dependiendo del modelo y del año, a menudo pueden alcanzar un precio muy elevado en el mercado vintage. Desgraciadamente, esto significa que los vaqueros se replican, se hacen pasar por auténticos y se venden a clientes desprevenidos e inconscientes. Tanto si has comprado tus vaqueros a un distribuidor oficial, como si los has comprado de segunda mano o a un distribuidor sin licencia, siempre es una buena idea comprobar los signos reveladores para identificar tu nuevo par de vaqueros como auténticos.

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Resumen del artículoXAunque los vaqueros Levi’s suelen ser falsos, puedes detectar fácilmente las falsificaciones observando la etiqueta, la cintura y los botones en busca de pequeños detalles que los delaten. Para empezar, busca la etiqueta roja en la parte trasera de los vaqueros. Si esta etiqueta parece desordenada o manipulada de alguna manera, los vaqueros podrían ser falsos. Acércate también a la “E” de “Levi’s”, ya que sólo debe ir en mayúsculas en los vaqueros fabricados antes de 1971. En la cintura, comprueba si el parche de cuero tiene algún error. Por ejemplo, unos vaqueros falsos pueden estar descentrados o tener errores ortográficos. Cuando mires la parte delantera de los vaqueros, asegúrate de que el botón superior tiene un número de 3 o 4 dígitos estampado en su parte posterior que se corresponde con la etiqueta de cuidado blanca del interior de los vaqueros. Para obtener más ayuda, como por ejemplo, cómo evitar las tiendas que venden vaqueros falsos, sigue leyendo.

Men’s brands

When it comes time to buy women’s levis pants el corte ingles, we realize that there are a variety of ranges in different brands and models, so it is important to take into consideration a number of aspects to be taken during the process of making the purchase. In this way we will make it easier to find the pants levis woman el corte ingles that fit what we are looking for without the need to spend an excessive amount of money. Already before making the decision we must be clear that we want to acquire and thus inform us and ask the following questions: How much money I want to spend? What details do I need to have the pants levis mujer el corte ingles? What functions should exercise? For this reason, today we will give you a guide where you will find each and every one of the levis pants mujer el corte ingles that can be possible options for you, with the best quality and good services at a low cost, on the other hand also includes a series of tips for you to be more confident at the time of purchase and get good results.    All this with the aim of offering you good options and expand your panorama so that at the time of selecting you have quality options and whatever pants levis mujer el corte ingles you decide to buy give you the best effects and be a happy customer of the service.